Mazda RX7

Number Plates:
OY8573 > RXTASY > XJ4699
Marcel Groot
Neil Belworthy
Leon McKnight
1999 - Duncan McCrostie
2005 - 2015: Andrew Grundy
2015 - Current: Ben Grundy
Car first owned by Marcel Groot from Tauranga. It was then bought by Neil Belworthy of Rotorua. Leon McKnight of Rotorua then purchased the car. The car then headed South the Duncan McCrostie. Andrew Grundy then purchased the car.
OY8573 > RXTASY > XJ4699
Marcel Groot
Neil Belworthy
Leon McKnight
1999 - Duncan McCrostie
2005 - 2015: Andrew Grundy
2015 - Current: Ben Grundy
Car first owned by Marcel Groot from Tauranga. It was then bought by Neil Belworthy of Rotorua. Leon McKnight of Rotorua then purchased the car. The car then headed South the Duncan McCrostie. Andrew Grundy then purchased the car.
Unknown Marcel Groot
Leon McKnight RXTASY
Rally Nelson Andrew Grundy